Not Fix Seat |
Booking Now at

Time 08.00-12.00 |
Time 13.00-17.00 |
THU. 6 DEC. |
250 Baht |
All 4-DayPASS
650 Baht
650 (Show#1) |
650 (Show#2) |
FRI. 7 DEC. |
250 Baht |
850 (Show#3) |
850 (Show#4) |
SAT. 8 DEC. |
350 Baht |
950 (Show#5) |
950 (Show#6) |
SUN. 9 DEC. |
450 Baht |
1,250 (Show#7) |
1,250 (Show#8) |
There are two types of the ticket to JWC 2018.
Type A: Tickets without a fixed seat.
- The tickets of this type can be bought on the race site at the ticket booths (on the left of the Grand Stand).
- The seating area for these tickets is from Row D to P.
- There is no fixed seat on these tickets, so we cannot guarantee a seat for the ticket holder in case all the seats are taken.
- Royal Orchid Plus members can show their ROP member card to get a wristband for free access to the race site.
Type B: Tickets with a fixed seat
- The tickets of this type with a fixed seat can be booked on the Internet on the first come, first served basis.
- These tickets are available and can be booked for each of the 8 viewing slots of our 4-day event.
- The booked ticket is for the ticket holder only.
- The seating area for these tickets is from Row A to C.
Note: Children not over 120-cm tall can get a wristband for free access to the race site.